ScriptWright turns Microsoft Word into a dedicated screenplay word processor. It contains all the styles, keyboard, menu and toolbar customizations, and tools to make writing and editing a feature screenplay a Breeze.
Overview of ScriptWright Features
* Formats your script in any of three standard, professionally approved layouts: Draft, Master, or Shooting, inserting break strings for dialogue and scenes as needed.
* "Filesafe." It makes no changes to your document that cannot be easily reversed.
* Fully integrated with Word for Windows, allowing you to take full advantage of Outlines, Hidden styles (for notes and annotations), and Revision Marks (for changes between drafts) without disabling any of Word's built-in features.
* Amply illustrated manual in PDF format
* Features include: auto document abbreviations, side by side dialogue, print selection, copy to a scrapfile, note file, document History, and revision management.
* SmartEnter and SmartTab allow you to move from style to style, and insert character names, with only the Enter and Tab keys. New in 2003: SmartContinuings.
* Tools to generate scene report detailing the length of each scene and a character report breaking down each character by the number of their speeches.
* Smart Continuings - Like SmartEnter (which expands abbreviations and moves to the appropriate style), this feature automatically inserts (continuing) or (CONT'D) when a character continues speaking after an interruption by action description.
* Convert Continuings - The ability to toggle between (continuing) or (CONT'D) as the marker for interrupted speeches.